Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Mike Lupica

Good day everyone.

I wanted to take the opportunity to recommend to you Mike Lupica's relatively new political column that he writes in the New York Daily News. I have been reading his sports columns for years and always thought he was among the very best sports writers. A couple of years ago, I noticed him slipping some political thoughts and ideas into his columns. Mostly jabs at the bush administration and their never ending blunders with regard to the Iraq Fiasco. Now he has a full- blown politcal column in addition to the great sportswriting he still does. Today he discusses the debate over whether Hillary Clinton needs to and/or should apologize for her Senate vote on 2002's Iraq Resolution. Here is the link for your convenience.

Also, I cannot more highly recommend a current piece of investigative journalism than the story that was broken in the Washington Post this Sunday by Dana Priest and Anne Hull. This is the story of "Building 18" where outpatients from Walter Reed live during their rehabiliation from war injuries. The original article and follow-up have been very enlightening. Here is a link to their original scoop. You may have to be a registered user of the Washington Post to open it and read it.

Well, that is all for now. I hope you are all having a nice Wednesday, and for those of you in the northeast that you are enjoying the nice temperatures we've been enjoying for the last couple of days.

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