Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Scooter Goes Down

After all of the writing I did leading up to this, I find myself nearly speechless now that the verdict is in. I will say, though, that I think this is good for the country. When a powerful White House figure lies to a grand jury and the F.B.I., and then tries to blame the media, I take some pleasure in a conviction on perjury and obstruction of justice. The juror who spoke yesterday told us what was pretty obvious. Scooter was dick's fall guy. Time to resign mr. cheney. Also, add Mr. Libby to the list of previously well-respected people whose reputations are forever tarnished by their association with george w. bush and their support of the Iraq fiasco. (Led of course, by Colin Powell and Tony Blair.)

What a news day yesterday was. You had army staff testifying on the Capitol Hill about the horrendous conditions at Walter Reed and other facilities for the treatment of wounded soldiers. You had former U.S. Attorneys discussing the political pressure put on them before their terminations. You had the Libby convictions. (4 of them) And, perhaps the most disturbing: On a day when the first headline I heard on the news at 6:00 AM was that 9 American soldiers had died north of Baghdad, then hearing that approximately 120 Shiites in Iraq had been killed in a bombing, I then saw a headline that said that Bush was talking about "Progress in Iaq." My stomach really hurt for a while after I saw that.

Here are some links to the stories I have referenced.

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