Wednesday, May 9, 2007

3 More Years!

ABC announced the other day that they would continue Lost for three more 16 episode seasons. I had mixed emotions when I first heard this but having read about the plan, and thought about it, I think a good decision has been reached.

To start, I was hoping that they would do two more seasons and then wrap it up. I thought that was about as long as they could sustain the show at a high level and be within a time frame that ABC would be happy with revenue wise. So, when I originally heard that there would be three more seasons, I was a little worried. But, by limiting the seasons to 16 new episodes, that will be shown in consecutive weeks, I think they have found the right balance. My hope is that the producers will make every effort to present 16 great episodes every seasons, no throwaways. For example, who among us could have lived without this year's two throwaway episodes, "Hurley Finds a Car" and "Nikki and Paulo Build a Sand Castle"? Answer: All of us.

So the questions we are left with are, how are they going to keep things going for three more seasons and how will they resolve all of the mysteries (too many to count) they have thrown out there at us? After watching the last 4 or 5 episodes, I have this to say. I have complete faith in the shows writers, producers, and creators, to provide us with 3 more great seasons that will keep us in inevitable suspense as they unfold and that we will remember long after the series final in May of 2010. (By the way, party at my house that night. If you are reading this, you are invited. Will let you know the details as we get a little closer, but please save the date.)

Why do I have such faith? Well, I guess its because the show has been so great for the first three seasons, and there is so much to build on. The key in my opinion to a successful series like Lost, is the strength of the characters. No matter how good a concept is for a show, a lack of interesting, diverse characters that drive the drama would still manage to sink it. Lost has more than its share of fantastic characters. There are plenty who have been on the show from episode 1, but the genius of the casting and writing is how they have brought new characters in. (with the obvious exception of Nikki and Paulo). Think about how much Mr. Eko added to the show. And what about Ben Linus and Juliette? Apparently Ben was not supposed to be a recurring character and was to be limited to only 3 episodes. The writers saw what they had with him though and smartly kept him on and developed him. Can you imagine Lost without him? And Juliette has added a lot to the show too. Who among is not intrigued by the mystery of her allegiance and how it will play out?

So, in summary, I think there are enough mysteries to be solved and great characters to develop to keep the show going strong until May 2010. I really hope my faith is not mis-placed.

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