Thursday, April 19, 2007

You're Welcome

I got off the train this morning at Hunterspoint Avenue in Long Island City. I have been taking the train there recently to break up the monotony of my commute and to save a few minutes. When I was getting off the train, I noticed that there was a huge gap that I had to hop over. Because, I am a nice guy I turned to the gentleman (I use the term loosely) behind me and said, "Be careful there is a huge gap here." He said "Thanks, I appreciate it." Or so I thought he might. What he actually did was give me a blank stare and no verbal acknowledgment. Pissed me off. Maybe I am being petty, but I thought I was being helpful, and a little acknowledgment would have gone a long way.

So Mr. Grumpy Train Commuter (that's his name, I saw it on his corporate ID card he had around his neck) I have just a couple of more things to say to you.

1. I am glad you did not fall in the gap, and


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